Aloha Kakou.
Got up early this morning and decided I needed to blog. Its such a cool windy day today, which means its a good day to sleep in, which my husband is doing:) mind you it 9:30am already.
This morning got up and straight grabbed my phone and do what I always do look at mii FB payge, chech out whats going on today with everyone and I saw on one of my friends had a friend that posted after working his job for certain days he is putting in his 2 weeks because he found this thing where he can work from home by posting links on big names pages. So i was like dayuum if I can make money from home wid out going to work for sumdumass that I do work for. Might as well check em out but its always kinda scary especially if you have to purchase something to learn wotever you have to do. But i went on and read the ad took me about10 min to read the whole article and fully understood it but then i went back to double check the credits like maybe theres a vid on youtube or sum10 n i couldnt find one thing about that company or about the person who started it, then I went to look more and found all these different girl names through the article of who started it, then i became skeptical. My head anyway i can earn extra side money imma try it out but thats like how I became a sales person for Mary Kay cosmetics, went to O'ahu for the first convention and all with 2 other of my friends, because you want to learn more about the comp. I enjoyed it but heller that time i didnt even use makeup i knew zilch nadda nothin. But wot i sold to my coworkers but when they asked questions about certain things I didnt know the answer but i got sucked it the first time when they sent me a e-mail saying that becasue I was getting married I would have a FREE spa day, but it actually was like here try our products you dont have to buy anything but wot i did i bought the microdermabrasion set for $50 then I became a distributor cuz i wanted extra money. Well all in all i Loved my Mary Kay family but it wasnt the job for me. But one day I want to work from home and make more then I do now so I can comfortably support my 'ohana and have my own house. One Day I will make it. Well if you guys know about any online jobs hit me up!!! A HUI HOU
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