Thursday, October 9, 2014


Aloha is it morning here on Maui. This is the earliest I've been on here and actually up. One reason I am up so early is because my nephew isn't feeling so good he is 7months old and has a fever. He is the cutest lil white boy with grayish eyes ever. He brings me joy. His mother is my sister. But a lot of people say that my husband and I is his parents, I would say that to but its not right. The reason people call us his parents is because he's usually with us anyway because the parents are usually always sleeping with the TV on. Like every day not that my brother in law got a job only my sister is home and she just stays in her room and watches TV ALL DAMN DAY and oh yeah SLEEP. It erks me so bad because she is my older sister like 40yrs old kind older she don't have a job and did really have one for years. So my parents give her money, my mom buys the babies diapers wipes and everything else. I don't know how much times I told them they have to stop because they are enabling them what is going to happen later in life. I cant take care of them forever. Uggh sorry for bringing such negative vibes. But I just have to let it out because every day theres something new that she does or shall I say doesn't do wrong. But now my husband just made me breakfast so immah eat now. And by making me breakfast I mean McDonalds some local deluxe A HUI HOU

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